
Imagens absolutamente finais (mas falsas, ver em cima)

Estas imagens correm agora mundo. Mão amiga mas enviou. Não posso garantir a sua veracidade. Inclino-me para acreditar no que parecem ser: as últimas imagens da tragédia do avião da Air France com destino ao Brasil. Junto infra as duas mensagens que acompanhavam estas fotos.

ESMAGADOR !! Últimas imagens da Cabine do Airbus A330. VEJAM !!!!!!!

Imagens de cortar o coração..

Últimas imagens da cabine do A 330, que se afundou no oceano , interrompendo para todo o sempre a ligação que era suposto concretizar entre o Brasil e a França.
ALGO SIMPLESMENTE ATERRADOR, por nos vir DEMONSTAR (veja-se que estão de máscara já posta) que SOUBERAM e ESTAVAM CONSCIENTES DO SEU DESTINO !!!!
Fiquei sem palavras ao ver as 2 últimas imagens deste voo.
Leiam o texto abaixo para terem uma ideia de como tais imagens chegaram até nós.
Este documento encerra , em minha opinião,a demonstração de duas coisas :
- As novas tecnologias permitem deixar registos que são esmagadores e brutais, pela sua crueza factual ; e
- Que cada vez estamos mais debaixo do olhar (para o bem e para o mal) de um imenso e omnipresente "Big Brother".
Dear Friends,
Feel so sad for all the passengers including the extraordinary photographer,
who kept his cool even in the last moments of his own life and took these

The world saw the disappearance of an Air France aircraft during a trans
Atlantic flight between Rio to Paris .
Two shots taken inside the plane before it crashed.
Unbelievable photos taken inside the aircraft that was involved in the

The two photos attached were apparently taken by one of the passengers in
the aircraft, just after the collision and before the aircraft crashed. The
photos were retrieved from the camera's memory stick. You will never get to
see photos like this. In the first photo, there is a gaping hole in the
fuselage through which you can see the tailplane and vertical fin of the
aircraft. In the second photo, one of the passengers is being sucked out of
the gaping hole.

These photos were found in a digital Casio Z750, amidst the remains in Serra
do Cachimbo. Although the camera was destroyed, the Memory Stick was
recovered. Investigating the serial number of the camera, the owner was
identified as Paulo G. Muller, an actor of a theatre for children known in
the outskirts of Porto Alegre . It can be imagined that he was standing
during the turbulence, he managed to take these photos, just seconds after
the tail loss the aircraft plunged. So the camera was found near the
cockpit. The structural stress probably ripped the engines away, diminishing
the falling speed, protecting the electronic equipment but not unfortunately
the victims. Paulo Muller leaves behind two daughters, Bruna and Beatriz.

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